만두를 예쁘게 빚으면 예쁜 딸을 낳는다는 속설이 있죠~! 에브리맘이 소개해드리는 만두 빚는 방법을 마스터하고 예쁜 딸을 낳으세요 ^.^

how to make dumplings 01

1. 동그란 만두

how to make dumplings 03
how to make dumplings 04
how to make dumplings 05
how to make dumplings 06

2. 땋은머리 만두

how to make dumplings 11
how to make dumplings 12
how to make dumplings 13
how to make dumplings 14

3. 일본식 만두

how to make dumplings 07
how to make dumplings 08
how to make dumplings 09
how to make dumplings 10